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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Adam Fitzgerald

Adam, I'm enjoying your work very much, thanks for your mostly unrewarded efforts. The high degree of intellectual rigour and empirical precision that you bring to the table here is a very welcome and long overdue gift to this movement. I'm agreed that many (if not all) of the most prominent voices in the 9/11 Truth movement are mostly full of shit (Alex Jones, James Fetzer, Loose Change, Judy Wood, Christopher Bollyn, etc). However doesn't this cacophony of clowns lost in the unnecessary complexity of fabricated details obscure the simple 'big picture' truth? I mean, from the more intelligent conspiracy skeptics such as Ryan and yourself all the way to the most outlandish of these conspiracy kooks like Fetzer et al, don't we all agree that 9/11 was fundamentally a joint intelligence operation involving Israel's Mossad, the Bush/Cheney neo-cons in the Pentagon/CIA in the USA, and Wahabbi extremist's from the House of Saud? Maybe I'm jumping the shark here, but I honestly believe it would be hard to find any prominent researcher across the 9/11 truth spectrum that would would disagree with that basic conclusion. But please feel free to let me know if I'm wrong...

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