In this episode of The Darkened Hour, The United States intelligence services, CIA (Alec Station) the FBI and the NSA and how they began monitoring the venerable Saudi, Osama Bin Laden, who was becoming a global figurehead with his militant Mujaheddin which was covertly supported with military armaments by the CIA under its largest financial blackops program called Operation Cyclone, in which they defeated the Soviet military in Afghanistan.
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Listening To The "Emir": The NSA & Osama Bin…
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In this episode of The Darkened Hour, The United States intelligence services, CIA (Alec Station) the FBI and the NSA and how they began monitoring the venerable Saudi, Osama Bin Laden, who was becoming a global figurehead with his militant Mujaheddin which was covertly supported with military armaments by the CIA under its largest financial blackops program called Operation Cyclone, in which they defeated the Soviet military in Afghanistan.