The Celebrating Israeli’s Who Moved Inside The United States (The FBI & East Rutherford Report)
Much of the information used in this article is derived from the FBI redacted report regarding the “high-fivers”, or as the media called them, “the Dancing Israeli’s”, as well as the East Rutherford Police Department report. The information from the reports will have quotations and in bold lettering and put together in chronological order.
Urban Moving Systems was awarded federal funding in the amount of $498,750 and non-federal funding in the amount of $166,250 for a total of $665,000 on June 22, 2001. ( The State of New Jersey filed a lawsuit in Hudson County Superior Court against Urban Moving Systems and its owner Dominick Suter alleging violations of both the State’s Consumer Fraud Act and regulations set forth in the Public Movers and Warehousing Licensing Act.
Former warehouse located, 1720 Willow Ave, Weehawken, NJ. 3 West 18th Street.
Doric Apartments at 100 Manhattan Avenue in Union City, NJ.
September 11th 2001
1010 Wins…..
“This just into our newsroom, a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center!! Let’s get this live update from 1010 WINS correspondent, Joan Fleischer.” (Lee Harris)
(redacted) woke up at approximately 7:30am. She recalls the time because her husband woke her as he got prepared for jury duty in Newark NJ. As her husband was showering and getting dressed, (redacted) prepared the coffee and placed a bagel in the oven.
Her husband went downstairs to purchase a newspaper at the store located on the ground floor of the apartment complex. he returned and they had breakfast together.
Her husband left for jury duty at approximately 8:25am. She then telephonically contacted General Can Company for a cab to take her son, (redacted) to (redacted). After she contacted the cab company, her son waited inside the lobby for the cab.
At approximately 9:00am, (redacted) in apartment (redacted) called (redacted) to tell her that she saw smoke coming from the WTC. (redacted) grabbed her Binolux binoculars, in order to see the WTC closely.
(redacted) recalls that she was listening to 1010 WINS AM and she did not hear any information regarding the WTC. She recalls that the sun had risen, it was a clear day and there was no fog or clouds.
Using her binoculars (redacted) looked theur her rear window. Then she opened the balcony door and walked onto the balcony. As she looked in the direction of the WTC, she observed three males kneeling on the roof of a white van in the rear parking lot of her apartment complex. She noticed them and it appeared they noticed her.
(redacted) recalls that all of the males were white, males, in their mid-twenties, no facial hair, no glasses, “clean cut”, no hats, all wearing short sleeve shorts, with lean builds.
She recalls that male #1 had light hair which was cut very short. The top of his hair appeared somewhat “curly” or “wavy”. He was wearing a white tee shirt and light blue jeans, with a hole in the left knee. He was also smoking cigarettes. She believes that she has the best memory of this male.
(redacted) cannot recall too many specifics regarding the male #2. She believes that she has the weakest recollection of this male.
(redacted) recalls that the third male, male #3 had dark colored, short hair which appeared straight.
(redacted) noticed that the white van on which the males were kneeling appeared to be a “box van”. It did not have windows on the side of the van, and it reminded (redacted) of a phone company van.
The van was not parked perpendicular to the fence. Instead, the front of the van faced in a southeast direction. Male #1 knelt on the roof above the front, passenger side of the vehicle, and he faced the apartment complex. Male 32 knelt on the roof above the front, drivers side of the vehicle, and he faced the apartment complex. Male #2 knelt on the rear portion of the roof of the vehicle, and he faced NYC.
Male #3 appeared to be taking still photographs and video of males #1 and #2 with the WTC in the background. All of the males appeared to be jovial. They smiled, they hugged each other and they “appeared” to “high five” one another.
As the vehicle pulled away, (redacted) recorded the license plate on a small piece of paper contemporaneously. She recorded the NJ license plate number as being JRJ 13Y. She later provided this piece of paper to SA (redacted).
(redacted) did not contact the local police department at the time. Instead, she waited until her husband returned from jury duty. She informed him of the incident and he suggested they contact local police.
September 11th 2001
On September 11th 2001, (redacted) heard of the attacks on the world trade center and drove from his residence to Liberty State Park, Jersey City in order to give blood. He arrived at Liberty State Park sometime between 10am-11am. Approximately 20–30 minutes later, (redacted) observed a truck enter Liberty State Park. The truck was new, either a 2000 or 2001 model year GMC box truck with dual rear wheels. The box had rivets on the outside which indicated to (redacted) that the inside was lined with wood. There were silver caps, on the top front corners of the box and the rear had a roll-up door. The box was approximately 14 feet high and 16–18 feet long, similar to dimensions of a Ryder rental truck. The side of the box had a sign which said Urban Moving in black letters. (redacted) did not recall the exact words, but recalled it contained wording to the effect of Urban and a moving company along with an unrecalled telephone number.
The truck had no apparent dings, dents or scratches in it and was remarkable clean for a moving truck. The truck backed into a parking space near the pier, within 50 feet of the water. (redacted) did not see anyone exit the vehicle. (redacted) recalled that the Urban Moving truck left Liberty State Park Just after an announcement was made to close Ellis Island. At this time, (redacted) saw 3 males approach and enter the vehicle. (redacted) viewed the males from a distance of 40–45 yards. (redacted) described the driver of the van who had skin tone which could have been of mexican origin. He looked light and didn’t look like he would work as a mover. he wore faded blue jeans, white short sleeve t-shirt and a black vest, possibly leather. He also wore a black fanny pack.
1010 WINS
“Well on TV they just showed videotape of what appeared to be a second plane flying into the second tower. That appeared to be a passenger jet.” (Lee Harris)
Imus In The Morning (Don Imus)
“…and in fact what had happened, was that something had blown up a few floors below the one trade center, that the plane had flown into. When in fact, we then had footage of a plane, you can actually see the plane fly into the World Trade Center itself.” (Don Imus)
September 11th 2001
East Rutherford Police Department Report (Scott DeCarlo)
“While diverting traffic, this officer was informed by dispatch of a national broadcast related to the terrorist attacks earlier in the day. The information relayed was to be on the look out for a 2000 Chevy van, color white, NJ registration JYJL3Y occupied with approximately 3 or more individuals. A short time later, this officer observed a van traveling quite slower than the rest of the traffic east towards me on the service road that appeared to be a newer model Chevy with at least two occupants. I immediately informed Sgt. Rivelli (The OIC of the scene) of the possibility of a match on the vehicle. As this officer approached the vehicle i did not observe a front license plate.
I went to the rear of the vehicle and observed the license plate, JRJL3Y. I felt the one letter difference in the plate could have been a mistake and requested a confirmation. The return transmission revealed the plate on the van matched the broadcast. So at this time i return to the driver side door and requested the driver to stop the vehicle and exit. The driver did not immediately exit the vehicle and was asked several more times but he appeared to be fumbling with a black leather fanny pouch type of bag. This officer then forcibly removed him. Sgt.Rivelli, removed the passenger and one other passenger from the side of the van with minor assistance from officer in training, T. Yarmacone, the other two occupants were removed and placed on the grass off to the shoulder and this officer read all five individuals their Miranda rights. The van was secured and headquarters was requested to immediately notify the County Bomb Squad and FBI of the situation.
All occupants were transported to the state police facilities inside the Meadowlands sports complex by State Troopers to await the arrival of the FBI. The occupants (driver) Sivan Kurzberg addressed given 100 Laurence Brooklyn and Pchtkua Israel, wearing blue jeans torn knees and a gray and black shirt. Yaron Shimuel 1345 Drexel ave #6, Miami Beach Florida 33139. Wearing jeans overalls. Paul Kurzberg, no address given, wearing a pink shirt and blue jeans. Oded Ellner, no address given, and uncertain of clothing description, but individual was holding an American Express card #375518092154895. Omer Gavriel Marmari, of 509 W212 street Manhattan New York. Only personal belongings were a pack of cigarettes and black sunglasses. I am not sure to the position of the other passengers.”
September 11th 2001
East Rutherford Police Department Report (Sgt. Dennis Rivelli)
PO Decarlo advised me that the plate # New Jersey registration, JRJL3Y is one number off. He then contacted HQ and then it was confirmed that the plate on the vehicle was in fact a plate that the FBI had stated in the broadcast. While PO DeCarlo was removing the driver from the vehicle, i removed the front seat passengers. As i was removing the front seat passenger, he stated “we are Israeli!”. He was identified, via Israeli passport as Oded Ellner. He advised me that they were on their way to Laurence Street in Brooklyn where they were staying with a roommate. He did not have the exact address. Captain Felton and Detective Yarmacone arrived at the scene. All five males were handcuffed and PO DeCarlo read them their Miranda warnings. All five spoke and understood English and they acknowledged their understanding of Miranda. FBI agents responded and took over the scene. All five were separately were transported to the State Police facilities in the Meadowlands Sports Complex by State Troopers. Further investigation by the FBI.”
Prior to the transportation to the State Police facilities, this officer was told without question by the driver, Sivan Kurzberg:
“We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problem is our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.”
I was also told by Yaron Shimuel, “we were on the West side highway during the incident.” The black bag that the driver was fumbling with contained all his belongings. Oded Ellner was in possession of a white sock like sack filled $4,700 dollars in cash. This officer did not speak to Special Agent in charge, Kevin Donovan, and there were many other agents involved in the investigation.”
At 4:30pm, WBZ 4 Boston anchor Joe Shortsleeve was reporting live when he detailed a “nationwide all points bulletin” for a white Chevy van, with NJ registration, written on the back is Urban Moving Systems.
September 12th 2001
To: National Security
From: Newark (FBI)On 9/12/2001, a compliant from (redacted) was received by telephone to the FBI, it was from a male. The male called to report that he was in Liberty State Park, Marine Terminal Building on 9/11 and noticed a “big white 2000 chevy van” or “panel truck” possibly a U-Haul truck with the words “Urban Movers”in black lettering along the side.
(redacted) mentioned that later he was in the vicinity of the Port Authority/GW Bridge, when he noticed someone wearing a Bergin County fireman’s uniform. he stated that he was unaware that Bergin County had a fire dept.
page 28 of the FBI redacted report would encapsulate why the detention of the “dancing israelis” were important enough and warranted a more thorough investigation.
Synopsis: (s) Establish basis linking five (5) Israeli Nationals (detained) (redacted)
9/12/2001….an FBI agent conducted an interview with a female named (redacted). She stated that she observed a white car in the far southeast corner of the rear parking lot on the morning of 9/11/2001. An a unidentified female was taking photographs of New York.”
“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,” Ma’ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events “swung American public opinion in our favor.” (Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, Bar Ilan University)
“9/12/2001….(redacted) was interviewed in the presence of her husband, (redacted) inside her residence on Tuesday, 9/11/2001, by SA (redacted) FBI. After being advised of the identity of the agent. She provided the following information.
(redacted) was born on (redacted) in South America. She came to the United States of America around (redacted). She sometimes babysits children in return for a small amount of cash.”
“The next day it will be reported that “bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives.” An investigator high up in the Bergen County law enforcement hierarchy will say in 2006, “There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted…. It looked like they’re hooked in with this referring to the 9/11 attacks. It looked like they knew what was going to happen.…It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.” (Bergen Record)
September 13th 2001
“9/13/2001…(redacted) residing at (redacted) Union City, NJ was interviewed at the above-stated residence during the course of a canvas conducted on 9/13/2001 sometime around or soon after midnight of the previous day.
The canvas was conducted to determine whether anybody residing at the apartment building could identify any of the 5 individuals appearing in two pages of photocopied photographs shown to them. (meaning the 5 Israelis). The copies were shown to interviewees, including (redacted) merely identified the persons pictured as persons one through five. The copies did not provide any names nor was offered to the interviewees.
After being advised of the official identities of the agents and purpose of the interview (redacted) provided the following information.
(redacted) definitely saw the individual identified in the photographs as number 5 within the apartment building at around 3pm on 9/10/2001, the day before the interview, as well as here and there during the preceding weekend. The individual was observed entering the elevator in the lobby along with another individual with whom he was conversing, perhaps in Spanish. the manner in which the two men were speaking suggested that they knew each other. The second man was not within the pictures presented. (long redaction, about 7 sentences long).
The interviwee stated that he could not recall the nature of the work the man stated he was performing.
Asked to further identify the two men he saw, the interviewee provided the following description of the man recognized as number 5 (Sivan Kurzberg).
“Now’s the time for the country to be united, uh, ah….thru the tears of sadness, i see an opportunity. Make no mistake about it, this nation is sad. But we’re also tough and resolute. And now’s an opportunity to do generations a favor. By coming together, and whipping terrorism. Hunting it down, finding it. And holding them accountable. The nation must understand, this is now the focus of my administration.” (George W. Bush, speaking to media inside the Oval Office)
September 14th 2001
“Finally, a personal notebook in a leather case, opined to belong to (redacted) also contained telephone (half of the page is redacted).
Furthermore, on 9/11/2001, (redacted) of the Pennsylvania State Police detained a yellow box truck upon the request of Newark. (redacted) inspected the vehicle and determined that the vehicle’s two (2) occupants, (redacted”Roy Barak”) and (redacted ”Motti Butbul”) both identified as Israeli nationals, were on their way to Columbus, Ohio. When Newark later questioned (redacted “Dominik Suter”) of Urban Moving Systems about the vehicle’s presence in Pennsylvania, he could not offer an explanation. According to the moving company’s (redacted”Suter”) the two (2) occupants and their vehicle were supposed to complete a moving job in a different part of the country.
A search of UNI for any references to (redacted) revealed one possible reference (redacted) investigation to born (redacted) which further identified (redacted) as an Israeli (redacted).
Similarly, Newark also received reports from law enforcement officials in New England that a second vehicle, displaying markings for Urban Moving Systems, was noted to have stopped somewhere between New York and Boston on 9/11/2001 for the purpose of asking for directions to Boston,MA. The occupants of this second UMS vehicle were also identified as Israeli nationals.
9/14/2001 Special Agent (redacted) of the FBI conducted the following investigation.
Assistant U.S attorney, (redacted, Michael Chertoff) gave SA (redacted) verbal authority for the retrieval of any and all information electronically stored in the three cellular telephones found to be located inside a white van bearing New Jersey registration JRJ-13Y. This vehicle was seized and its occupants were detained as part of the investigation of the bombing of the WTC. AUSA (redacted, Chertoff) began the application process for a search warrant for this information but advised that the risk of losing this information due to loss of battery power would be basis for exigent circumstances.
9/14/2001 On 9/13/2001 (redacted) was interviewed by SA (redacted) (FBI Newark) and (redacted) (Port Authority PD). Having been advised of the identities of the investigators (redacted) provided the following information:
(redacted) had lived with (redacted) and (redacted) (PHONETIC) at (redacted) Brooklyn New Jersey, 11218 since (redacted). (redacted) and (redacted) lived at (redacted) Brooklyn, New York from (redacted) until (redacted). (redacted) met (redacted) in (redacted). (redacted) met (redacted) several months later. (redacted) (last name unknown/LNU) currently lives in (redacted) Brooklyn, New York. (redacted) is the quietest of (redacted) friends. (redacted) other friends are (redacted) (LNU) and (redacted) (LNU). (redacted is about (redacted) is between (redacted) years of age.
“On the morning of the attack on the WTC (redacted) received a call at work from (redacted) refers to (redacted) as (redacted) asked (redacted) if she was okay and asked if she (long redaction, about 4 sentences long) thinks that she received the call from (redacted) after the first explosions but is not sure whether it was after the second explosion. (redacted) stated that she knew about the WTC attack prior to receiving the phone call from (redacted).
(redacted) called (redacted) again between 12 noon and 1pm. (redacted) said that they were closing work and that he was going to go home. (redacted) asked (redacted) if she or (redacted) wanted a ride. (long redaction of half the page). (redacted) has never seen (redacted) with a camcorder, digital camera or a camera with an LED screen. (redacted) has never had any camera other than a SLR (single lens reflex) 35mm camera. When (redacted) visited several months ago he (long redaction).
9/14/2001…SA (redacted) interviews (redacted) about the 5 Israeli males in the photos but didn't recognize any of them, however (redacted) did hear about Urban Moving Systems. A tenet in apartment (redacted) called on Sunday (9–9–2001), and stated he and his wife would be moving out of the building on Monday morning. (redacted) stated in the message that Urban Moving Systems would be moving them. (redacted) thought this odd, because they had paid through the end of September and had not given an earlier notice of his intentions to move. The couple are young and quiet, the man took a cab to the path station in Hoboken ever morning for work.
9/14/2001 Newark to National Security
2 Israeli Passports
1 German Passport
International Student Identity Card valid Sept 2000-Dec 2001 istc.orgItinerary Ticket
Airline: Olympic Airways
Agent: Stsatour Travel Tourism, Tel Aviv IsraelDates Jun 15 2001 Flights OA 302 06:55 Tel Aviv
June 15 OA 411 12:20 Athens, Greece
Sept 12 OA 412 17:45 JFK
Sept 14 OA 301 02:20 Athens Greece (stop over) then to Tel AvivIssta Lines (Israel Youth & Students Travel Company) (travel agent) address 21 Hertzel, Hedera, Israel
June 15 2001 OA Flight 302 655 depart tel aviv
June 15 OA flight 302 arrive athens greece 8:55Sept 12 2001 OA flight 412 17:45 depart JFK
Sept 13 10:10 arrive athens greece
Sept 14 OA flight 301 2:20 depart athens
4:15 arrive tel avivnotebook was found, with seperate torn out pages for numbers of credit card companies, janitorial services and other moving companies.
A two page letter written in hebrew.
A small diary in Hebrew
Business card of ISSTA Lines
telephone directory in a leather case (numbers redacted)
business card of Aidad & associates Attorneys at Law
Dealing in immigration, real estate, foreclosures
located at 350 Fifth aveSA (redacted) interviewed (redacted) from Doric Towers at his residence. (redacted) and his (redacted) are from Doric Towers. On the morning of 9/11 (redacted) was painting in Apt (redacted) less than 5 minutes after the first plane hit the North Tower of the WTC (redacted) comes to apartment and informs (redacted) of the disaster. (redacted) stands up from painting the baseboard looks out of the window and notices 3 young men taking video and still photographs from atop the roof of the parking garage adjoining Doric Towers. He also see a white utility van next to the men and a brown van further behind. There were no other people in the parking lot at that time. He believes this occurred between 9am and 910am. (redacted) exits the apartment and sees that the men and both the white and brown van gone. (redacted) said he did not see any writing on the van or any windows other than the glass on the driver and passenger sides. After questioning (redacted) walked to the parking garage with agents and described positioning of the cans and the 3 men.
Union City Detective Bureau interviews (redacted) who lives at Doric Towers apartment (redacted). He reported that three, light skinned, clean shaven males in their early twenties were wearing t shirts and blue jeans, smoking, were taking still photographs and video taping the destruction of the WTC. She described the men being in a festive mood and high fiving one another. At one point the men took pictures from the top of the white utility van they had driven. (redacted) was able to obtain the license plate JRJ13Y.
(redacted) was interviewed at his place of employment J&S Gulf, 1324 Willow Ave, Hoboken NJ, where he pumps gas. (redacted) stated that he is familiar with Urban Moving Systems and that they have an account for gas with the station. They come usually in the morning.
On 9/11/01, (redacted) was working an 8:00am shift at the gas station. He stated that a white van belonging to Urban Moving Systems came in for gas in the morning. He remembered that the driver has short, dark hair. He remembers the driver because the driver has been to the gas station in the past and has spoken some phrases in Arabic to (redacted) does not know of any other people were in the van with the drover, (redacted) does not know the name of the driver. (redacted) does not remember the exact time that the van came in for has but believes it was prior to the attack on the WTC because after that occurred, every customer that day has something to say about the event.”
September 15th 2001
“Osama Bin Laden can send word out to wealthy Saudi businessman who are like minded and sympathetic. And raise, great amounts of cash very rapidly. And i think they were somewhat surprised at that. That they can cut him off from some of his conventional sources of funding and can go right around that and get funding from others.” (John Miller ABC News)
FBI Report 9/15/2001:
Details: On 9/14/2001, Newark Division with the assistance of the New York Office (NYO), initiated an investigation predicated upon the detention of five (5) Israeli Nationals who may have possessed information about the terrorist incident targeting the twin towers of New York City’s World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. The following sets forth a summary of the investigation-to-date.
Another compliant subsequent investigation by Newark Criminal Division Agents revealed a second eyewitness who reported having observed that a white van in the same parking lot described by (redacted, Maria). This eyewitness, however, observed the van in the parking lot as early as 8:00am on the morning of the explosions at WTC.
A third interview later reported, as documented, on an FD/71, having seen, on 9/11/2001 (time not noted), a “big white”, model 2000 Chevrolet van or possibly panel truck or U-Haul truck, bearing the world “Urban Movers” in black lettering along the side. The vehicle was observed in the Liberty State Parks Marine Terminal in Jersey City, NJ, located across the Hudson River from WTC.
Pursuant to this information, East Rutherford, NJ, police authorities stopped an Urban Moving Systems van at a pre-positioned roadblock which was occupied by males similar to those described by witness above. The van had been travelling eastbound along State Route 3 in New Jersey. Following the stop, police detained five (5) individuals, all Israeli Nationals, on the grounds that they may have had information pertaining to the WTC explosion. The matter was later forwarded to FBI Newark, and the individuals were detained based on violations of immigration their status.
At the time of their vehicle stop, a search of the van and individuals was conducted. Seizure of the individuals property yielded the following: a 35mm camera, several personal telephone-style notebooks, back-packs, airline tickets with immediate travel dates for destinations world-wide, israeli passports (in some cases, expired), a German passport, and thousands of dollars in cash. Student identifications later believed to be false were also found. Oddly, equipment typically used in a moving company's daily duties were not found, including, work gloves, blankets, straps, ropes, boxes, dollies, rollers, etc. Also not found was the video camera that (redacted, Maria) observed at least one of the males using to film the explosion at WTC.
Focused on what might have been contained on the film in the video camera reportedly used by the Israeli males, Newark’s Criminal Division interviewed each of the Israeli males. Through interviews (and later polygraphs), it was determined that several of the detainees had, by their own admission, (redacted).
For instance, (redacted) was formerly employed as a (redacted) in Israel and later served as a (redacted) and performed (redacted) when (redacted) found Arabs who weren’t supposed to be in Israel. (redacted) has served in the Israeli Army for three years. at the conclusion of the interview, (redacted) denied having (redacted) while residing in the United States; he also denied having contact with (redacted).
(redacted) also served in the Israeli Military beginning in (long redaction).
(redacted) further advised that he had worked at the (redacted) in Elat, Israel a town later determined to be located on the border where Israel, Egypt and Jordan meet. There, (redacted) was contracted (redacted) to (redacted). according to (redacted) he did not work directly (redacted).
The initial interview of (redacted) and (redacted) which were conducted with no apparent view towards foreign counterintelligence, revealed little by way of either’s (long redaction). A review of the initial interview of (redacted) is still pending.
Newark later polygraphed two of the 5 detainees (redacted) and (redacted) on an issue limited to whether either had used a video camera in filming of the WTC explosions. (long redaction).
Film obtained from the 35mm camera of one of the detainees was later developed and processed by the Newark Division. the photos clearly corroborate (redacted, maria) statements in that the Israelis are visibly happy on nearly all of the photographs. Further, the photos revealed that the Israelis had taken photographs from both the top of a can and from another location believed to be a parking lot near Urban Moving Systems location in Weehawken, NJ. (The Bureau should note that based upon the evidence recovery log as completed by Newark, it is unclear which collected items belonged to which israeli detainee).
Newark also received information pertaining to another Urban Moving Systems vehicle which had been stopped while travelling westbout by the Pennsylvania State Police on 9/10/2001, the day prior to the terrorist attack. At 11:30pm, a Penske truck was stopped for a traffic violation, The vehicle was identified as having been leased by Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken NJ. The individuals questioned, (redacted) and (redacted) identified as israeli Nationals, advised that they were bound for Columbus Ohio.
On 9/12/2001, the same truck was once again stopped while travelling eastbound in Pennsylvania, (redacted) and (redacted) the same Israeli nationals identified earlier, were detained. During questioning by the Penn. State Police, the Israelis advised that they weren’t “in New York” on 9/11/2001. A Gasoline purchase receipt recovered by the Penn. State Police seems to contradict their claim in that the receipt, dated 9/11/2001, was for a gasoline purchased in New Jersey. (Lead set to Williamsport PA presently pending).
Subsequent interview of the president/owner of Urban Moving Systems revealed that (redacted,Barak) and (redacted,Butbul) delivery schedule for the morning of 9/11/2001 did not include any pickups or deliveries outside of New Jersey. Oddly, (redacted,Barak) and (redacted,Butbul) were stopped while travelling in the direction of the site of the hijacked plane that crashed outside of Pittsburgh, PA.
Newark also received information which revealed that on about 1:00pm, 9/11/2001, three dark skinned males had been observed driving a white van, bearing New Jersey plates, on Spirit Brook Road near Nashua, New Hampshire (just outside of Boston). According to the report, the driver of the van appeared to be lost; the van had a sign on the side for Urban Moving Systems.
A search of Urban Moving Systems revealed more oddities which caused the search team leader to characterize the company as a possible ‘fraudulent operation”. Little evidence of a legitimate business operation was found. Evidence recovery agents did seize, however, sizreen (16) seperate computer units used by Urban Moving Systems.
The FBI presence at the UMS search drew the attention of the local media and was later reported on both television and in the local press. A former UMS employee later contacted the Newark Division with information indicating that he had quit his employment with UMS due to high amount of ant-American sentiment present among Urbans employee’s. The former employee stated that an Israeli employee of Urban had even once remarked “give us 20 years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country.”
Based on the odd circumstances surrounding Urban Moving Systems, the deception over the alleged use of a video camera by its Israeli employees, and the observed positive reaction (by the Israelis detainees) to the explosions at WTC, Newark Squad C-9 SSA (redacted) SA (redacted), began to focus on the following:
(Half page redacted) (next page redacted)
A search of UNI for any references to (redacted) revealed two possible references (redacted) and (redacted) investigations at San Diego to (redacted) born (redacted) which further identified (redacted) as an (redacted).
Based on information provided by the Miami Division, Newark detained (initially) and interviewed four (4) employees of Classic International Movers, a New Jersey based moving company which was believe by Miami to have been used by one of the 19 alleged hijackers involved in the terrorist attacks. All 4 employees, Israeli nationals, had served in the Israeli military, and entered the U.S from various locations in South America.
NS-2C should also note that analysis on the information retrieved from the 16 computers seized from UMS is presently underway at Newark’s Franklin Township PA.
Additionally, Newark/NYO are making all efforts necessary to obtain the results of follow-up interviews as conducted by Newark Division Criminal agents, of (redacted) and other witnesses who may be able to provide information indicating whether the detained Israelis were, in fact, observing the WTC prior to the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001. Newark criminal agents have been tasked with the following:
* re-interview (redacted) to verify the time of van sighting.
* interview attendant at parking lot where Israeli personnel were observed taking photos and determine whether surveillance cameras 0or otherwise) may have recorded the event on film
*interview gas station personnel where Israelis purchased gasoline the morning of the terrorist attack (the time, either before or after the event, is presently unknown)
*interview (redacted) who observed van at Liberty Park on the morning in question
* re-interview (redacted,Suter) of Urban Moving Systems to obtain time/attendance records for the employees in question (to include vans observed in New Hampshire and Pennsylvania) and determine the exact delivery/pickup destinations of each crew.Priority report: 9/15/2001
According to an FD-302, submitted on 9/14/2001 by SA (redacted) of the FBI, the attached names, phone numbers and dates were retrieved from three cellular phones taken from a white van and its occupants seized in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the WTC. Copy of referenced FD-302 is attached.
Newark requests that indices, criss-cross, (redacted) and (redacted) checks be conducted on listed names and telephone numbers and the results be provided expeditiously to Newark.
9/15/2001…At approximately 3:45pm on 9/15/2001 (redacted) Oxford Health Plans, 10 Tara Boulevard, Nashua, New Hampshire, telephone number (redacted) was interviewed at her place of employment. After (redacted) was advised of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, she provided the following information.(redacted) works for Oxford Health Plans, an insurance company located in Nashua, NH. Oxford provides health insurance to individuals and groups, with their groups insurance providing most of their business.
(redacted) noticed that a vehicle belonging to Urban Moving Systems had appeared in media coverage surrounding the WTC event on 9/11/2001. (redacted) recalled that UMS held insurance Oxford, and verified that Urban Moving Systems continued to carry insurance through Oxford. After consulting Oxford legal department, (redacted) contacted the FBI in case information Oxford possessed regarding Urban Moving Systems would be of value to the FBI.
(redacted) provided information regarding Urban Moving Systems, as well as a second company, Shleppers Moving and Delivery Service Inc. (aka Flat Rate Moving Systems Inc). that insured (redacted) and (redacted) (later employees of UMS). This original copy of this information is included in the FD-340 accompanying the original FD-302; copies of this information are attached to the remaining copies of this FD-302.
Oxford began insuring UMS on 7/1/1997. Urban Moving Systems initially provided an address of 312 Pavonia Ave #1, Jersey City, NJ, 07302. On 7/26/2000, UMS wrote Oxford to change their address to 3 18th Street, Weehawken, New Jersey, 07087, telephone number 201–558–0210. At that time, UMS also provided a New York address of 446 West 50th Street, New York, New York, 10019, telephone number 212–664–1268.
NJ State Police Memo:
On 9–15, i received information from (redacted) regarding the location of a warehouse for UMS. (redacted) who is a worker for ADT Security Systems advised me that (redacted) followed a sales lead for a new security system for UMS on august 21. (redacted) advised me the location of thus warehouse was at the corner of Centre St and Gould st. in Bayonne NJ.
I then met with (redacted) who advised me that after reading the newspaper about the FBI searching a warehouse in Weehawken which belonged to UMS he remembered he received a sales lead for UMS. He met with two males of an unknown foreign accent at the warehouse. the warehouse was empty except a forklift and garbage cans.
September 16th 2001
“And the American people are beginning to understand. This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while, and the American people must be patient. I’m going to be patient.But I can assure the American people I am determined. I’m not going to be distracted. I will keep my focus to make sure that not only are these brought to justice, but anybody whose been associated will be brought to justice. Those who harbor terrorists will be brought to justice. It is time for us to win the first war of the 21st century decisively, so that our children and our grandchildren can live peacefully into the 21st century.” (George W. Bush, addressing media outside the White House)
(redacted) was interviewed by Weehawken Police Dept. with (redacted) on 9/15/01 at 9:15am with being advised of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview. (redacted) has been a citizen of Israel and has been in the United States for a little over a year on a tourist visa. He was introduced to (redacted) in the early part of 2000 by his (redacted) used to work in the office for UMS. (redacted-Suter) has approximately 20–30 men working for his company, Most of the people working for him were Polish, Russian and a few Israeli men who mostly stuck together. (redacted) used to advertise in the Polish, Russian newspapers to get tourist visa visitors from those countries to work for him. This enabled (redacted) to pay below the minimum wage and with cash as to avoid paying taxes and benefits too. (redacted) would also refused to pay employees knowing that they would not fight him since they are working on a tourist visa. (redacted) did engage in moving items for both businesses and residential moves. One of his smaller moving vehicles was a white van with no windows as well as several large moving trucks. He did use several computers with internet access.
(long redaction) doesn’t usually lend his vehicles out to his workers. He is very tight with his possessions and money. He does make his workers get driver's licenses and they fill out three pieces of paperwork. It is unknown what this paperwork consists of.
One way to obtain a drovers license quickly and easily is to answer one of the advertisements found in the Israeli newspapers. These ads give a number to call to Florida drivers license in one day with no hassle. You do not need paperwork to prove who you are. It usually costs from 400–500 dollars.
September 17th 2001
“But as the vice president said, you know, “Osama bin Laden is just one person.” He is representative of networks of people who absolutely have made their cause to defeat the freedoms that we take — that we understand, and we will not allow them to do so. I want justice. And there’s an old poster out west, that I recall, that said, “Wanted, Dead or Alive.” I think that this is a long-term battle — war. There will be battles, but this is long term. After all, our mission is not just Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda organization. Our mission is to battle terrorism and to join with freedom-loving people.” (George Bush press conference)
9/17/2001 Routine report
Synopsis: Report information received to employees of Classic International Movers Incorporated, detained by The Ridgefield NJ Police Dept.
Details: On 9/14/2001 The Newark Division, with the assistance of the New York Division, initiated an investigation predicated upon the detention of the five Israeli nationals, who may have possessed information about the terrorist incident targeting the WTC.
Attached are the results of a request to the EZ pass NY service center. Requested were records pertaining to EZ pass number (redacted) corresponding to the EZ Pass seized at the time of the arrest of the 5 Israeli nationals.
9/17/2001…On 9/17/2001 Special Agents (redacted) and (redacted) interviewed (redacted) Secaucus, NJ after being advised of the identities of the agents he provided the following info.
(redacted) provided SA (redacted) and SA (redacted) with the surveillance video tape from his (redacted) surveillance cameras. This video tape provides a view of the area surrounding the (redacted) and covers the dates of 9/10 and 9/11.
(redacted) is located near Urban Moving Systems and (redacted) identifies movers from UMS by the orange shirts that many of them often wear. (redacted) read about the FBI’s interest in UMS in a newspaper and believed that UMS may not be a legitimate business operation but could not substantiate this claim with factual info.
9/17/2001….FBI Interview
(redacted) works for Helicopters Inc. based at Linden Airport and having their headquarters in St.Louis (redacted) is his manager. The company supplies pilots for news programs. On 9/11/01 he was flying a helicopter that was covering traffic for 880am radio. he was south of the GW Bridge when he saw the first airplane crash into the WTC. The helicopter was in Laguardia Airport’s airspace at this time, and he estimated that the helicopter was at approximately 1,500 feet altitude.
After seeing the first crash, he flew the helicopter toward the WTC. He estimated that it only took a couple minutes to reach that area. He hovered over the Hudson River in the area of the Holland Tunnel at approximately 1,100 feet altitude. He remained there for the second crash. Within a couple of minutes the NYPD ordered him to leave the airspace. he landed the helicopter in New Jersey and did not return.
September 18th 2001
“The Bush administration invited Israel to join a U.S.-led coalition against terrorism — and Israel agreed to begin Mideast peace talks if there is a 48-hour letup in violence, officials said yesterday. But fierce gun battles raged in the West Bank and Gaza Strip despite Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s pledge and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat’s renewal of a call for peace.
Secretary of State Colin Powell told Sharon Sunday night that Israel would be welcome in a massive anti-terror effort. But Sharon made clear he would not make concessions to the Palestinians in order to bring Arab states into the U.S.-led coalition. oth Powell and Sharon expressed urgency in ending the nearly yearlong Israeli-Palestinian violence.
Arafat, in what was described as a greeting on the Jewish New Year, said he had again given Palestinians “strict instruction for a total commitment to the cease-fire. But Sharon replied there was no proof of such instructions — and no evidence of an end to gunfire yesterday.” (New York Post)
September 19th 2001
“On 9/14/2001 the Newark Division, with the assistance of the New York Division, initiated an investigation predicated upon the detention of 5 israeli nationals.
The attached information reveals Debellis Insurance Agency Inc. as the insurance provider of Urban Moving Systems.
On 9/14/2001 the Newark division with the assistance of the NYC office initiated an investigation into the detention of 5 israeli nationals.
The following attachments pertain to two employees of UMD. Who were detained by the Pennsylvania state police and later questioned and polygraphed by the Philadelphia field office.
(redacted) stated that on the morning of 9/11 after the WTC attack was struck by the airliners, either (redacted) or (redacted) stated to her that “now you see what they are capable of doing and added that the U.S will have to get involved now.”
Following the interview at (redacted residence, she was contacted by SA (redacted) in which she provided the following information. (redacted) stated that after learning that the WTC was on stuck byn airliners, all of the employees went outside of the building to watch. They stayed outside for a little while until (redacted) told them to get back to work. When they went back inside, someone, possible (redacted) and or (redacted) went back to the warehouse to look for a television so they could watch the news at work. (redacted) does not recall seeing anybody taking pictures outside the building, although, she does recall that (redacted) had received a new camera from (redacted) the day before.”
September 20th 2001
“This highly pathological aspect of Islamic militancy is what makes it so deadly for mankind. When in 1996, I wrote a book about fighting terrorism, I warned about the militant Islamic groups operating in the West with the support of foreign powers — serving as a new breed of domestic-international terrorists, basing themselves in America to wage Jihad against America. Such groups, I wrote then, nullify in large measure the need to have air power or intercontinental missiles as delivery systems for an Islamic nuclear payload. They will be the delivery system. In the worst of such scenarios, I wrote, the consequences could be not a car bomb but a nuclear bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center.” (Benjamin Netanyahu statement to the U.S Government reform committee)
“Two FBI agents interview (redacted) at the Metropolitan Detention Center.
He signed the FD-396 form, “Advise of Rights”.
(redacted) first visited the United States at ? years old, on a ten years visa. Since his arrival in NY, (redacted) searched for employment but because he did not have a valid work visa he had a difficult time finding a job. After responding to an israel newspaper ad and making several calls he was hired as a household goods mover about (redacted) by (redacted) at Urban Moving Systems. (redacted) did not know anyone employed by UMS prior to his first day of employment. An UMS employee recognized him as a former israeli army member. Since he was afraid that he would be prosecuted for illegally working in the U,S on a visitor visa he lied to FBI agents on 9/11 when he told them he had worked for UMS only one day.
(redacted) identified his immediate supervisor as Big Boss. (redacted) is certainly all of UMSD workers are there working illegally. (redacted) arrived at work at 9:15am. At 11:00am (redacted) told him they are taking down the second building. and that they were going to see from the roof. (redacted) and he then climbed on top pf a truck and made their way unto UMS roof. They spent about 15 minutes on the roof where he took one photo of (redacted) and (redacted) together and the others took various photos. (redacted) then left the roof and borrowed money to buy a ham sandwich at a deli. When he got back he was told UMS had closed. (redacted) had no way of getting back home and slept at (redacted) apartment. (redacted) then went to the back of the UMS vehicle, as they tried to travel back to Brooklyn. (redacted) slept in the back and heard a police officer ask for a driver's license.
(redacted) stated “Israel now has hope that the world will now understand us. Americans are naive and america is easy to get inside. There are not a lot of checks in america. Now america will be tough about who gets into their country.”
(redacted) cried repeatedly thru-ought the interview and asked if he would be released.”
September 21st 2001
On April 11, Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi rented an apartment at 10001 Atlantic Blvd, Apt. 122 in Coral Springs, Florida for $840 per month. While one of Urban Moving Systems employees, managed to live 38 miles away from Coral Springs.
“SA (redacted) and (redacted_ conducted the review of the white van from UMS in an attempt to locate the green lighter shown in one of the photographs, locate evidence of a video camera and to determine the accuracy of the time readout.
An examination of the Canon EOS rebel 2000 time/date revelead that the cameras discrepancy translates that the time /date readout of 14 hours and 41 minutes late.
On 9/19/2001, NS-2C faxed an Israeli Press article, dated 9/18/2001, to Newark. The article describes events surrounding the detainment of 5 Israeli Nationals held for questioning as a result of the WTC terrorist acts in Manhattan.
On 9/12/2001 a Penske truck leased by UMS of 3 west 18th street, Weehawken NJ was stopped by Pennsylvania state police, and the vehicles occupants, identified as Roy Barak and Moti Butbol were arrested.
Two days prior, the same vehicle had been stopped and cited by Pennsylvania State Police for failure to maintain the vehicle in a marked lane. At the time when the citation and summons were issued, the vehicle was being driven in a westernly direction by (redacted) born (redacted) held a florida state drivers license and addressed identified as (redacted) Florida. Same as (redacted Barak).
When the vehicle was stopped a second time by Pennsylvania state police, it was travelling in an easterly direction. Statements made by the vehicles occupants condicticted documentation found in the vehicle, as well as statements ,made by UMS (redacted-Suter) as to the vehicles true destination and purpose.
The Philadelphia office is requested to conduct and interview of both (redacted) and (redacted) for the purpose of exploring the nature of their relationship with UMS and the five employees of UMS who are being held on immigration violations. It is also requested that philadelphia interviews highlight issues of interest to the National Security Division to include any possible affiliation with (redacted).
On 9/20.2001, (redacted) and (redacted) employee of White Glove Movers located at 930 Newark Avenue, Jersey City NJ, were interviewed at their workplace and thereafter provided the following information to SA (redacted) and (redacted).
(redacted) was born on (redacted) in Israel. (redacted) and her family immigrated to the U.S ? years ago. (redacted) has dual citizenship and last visited Israel approximately March 2000. She has been employed by White Glove Movers for (redacted) years.
(redacted) advised SA’s (redacted) and (redacted) that on the morning of WTC terrorist attack, she was in her office. She further advised that she did not see (redacted) or his (long redaction) who is also employed by WGM as a (redacted) meet at the office or outside of WGM.
(redacted) was unaware of any video cameras on the premise of WGM or in the possession of (redacted) of (redacted) recalled that there was a pair of ski’s belonging to (redacted) but could not recall what happened to them. No further information was provided.
(redacted) was born on (redacted) in Israel. (redacted) is a citizen of Israel and is currently in the U,S on an expired tourist visa, He recently lost his passport and is presently attempting to file for sponsorship to stay in the U.S. (redacted) has no official working papers and understand that he could be detained by Immigration officials regarding his illegal status. (redacted) currently resides at (redacted) New York.
(redacted) began working at WGM March (redacted) as a (redacted). On 9/11/2001, the day of the WTC terrorist attack he was on his way to work, when he first heard about it. He never made it to work on this day. Instead he returned home and periodically called work, to make sure things were getting accomplished.
(redacted) spoke to (redacted) by telephone from his home on 9/11 only to check on the status of the days work assignments. (redacted) met (redacted) approximately 2 years ago at a party in Brooklyn, through a friend (redacted) was an acquaintance of (redacted).
(redacted) described (redacted-Mameri?) as a clown and is not surprised he would end up in some sort of mess. (redacted) was certain that (redacted) is not capable or would ever have something to do with the WTC attack. (redacted) has no knowledge of any video camera, he did recall a set of ski’s but does not know where they are.”
September 24th 2001
“Each of the detained Israelis denied having used a video camera during the attacks on the WTC. Nonetheless two of the detainees (redacted) and (redacted). Numerous discrepancies in their statements specifically as to their location during the time immediately preceding the attack on the WTC, as well as photographs in which some of the Israelis visibly appear happy by the attacks led FBI-NK to further pursue a possible criminal link between these Israelis and the events associated with the WTC.
A search if the offices of Urban Moving Systems, the employer for all of the Israelis, failed to uncover a video camera. However, FBI-NK discovered several networked computers at UMS, which appeared inconsistent with both the small size of the business and the small number of employees in the office. (long redaction).
As a result, the investigation was the referred to Squad C-9, FBI-NK’s foreign counterintelligence (FCI) squad, for further review and possible investigation., Two more Israelis, (redacted) and (redacted) were later polygraphed (long redaction).
FBI-NK’s FCI squad then attempted to verify the statements made by the five Israelis as to their whereabouts immediately preceding the attack on the WTC. Due to the ongoing tasking of those agents involved with the initial investigation, the FCI squad was unable to complete written record of all interviews and investigative actions undertaken until several days later. During the course of those days, the FCI squad’s independent investigation, to include FCI interviews and polygraphs of the five Israelis, revealed that the five Israelis likely did not possess prior knowledge of the WTC events. It is opined that the Israelis probably arrived at the parking lot observation point between the first and second attacks on the WTC.
The witness who described the video cameras has been interviewed several times, and provided the same statement on each occasion., The disposition of the video cameras and why the Israelis would respond deceptively about possessing such a cameras thus remains unresolved.
Finally., the number of discrepancies in the statements made by the five Israelis continues to increase. For example, only after (redacted) was interviewed four times, twice by agents and twice by polygraph examiner, did (redacted) volunteer that (redacted) was not only a (redacted) at a (redacted) but also the (long redaction).
From: National Security NS-2C
Precedence: PrioritySynopsis: Advises Newark to assist US Immigration and naturalization Service in any INS proceedings for the five Israeli Nationals in detention at the Federal Bureau of Prisons , Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.
Details: On Sept 13, 2001 a full field investigation was initiated to determine whether or not five Israel nationals who were detained by ISN for being out of status, (redacted) or had knowledge of the WTC bombing.
Both Newark and the New York Divisions conducted through investigation which determined that none of the Israelis had any information or prior knowledge regarding the bombing of the WTC enters. Furthermore, Newark and New York determined that none of the Israelis were actively engaged in clandestine intelligence activities in the United States.
As a result of the above, Newark is advised to notify their local INS office that the FBI no longer has any investigative interest in the detainees and they should proceed with the appropriate immigration proceedings. Newark is requested to assist in the expediatous proceedings of the detainees and to advise FBIHQ periodically of the status of these proceedings.”
October 16th 2001
Prior to requesting a search of the premises of UMS, on 10–12–2001, Special Agent (redacted) of the Newark office of the FBI-NK and speical agents (redacted) and (redacted) of the New York Office of the FBI-NYO, were invited by the Weehawken Police department, to witness a search of UMS being conducted by the WPD.
During the search conducted by the WPD, it was revealed that the building and all its contents had been abandoned by (redacted-Suter) the owner of Urban Moving Systems. This apparently being done to avoid criminal prosecution after the 9–11–2001 arrest of five of his employees and subsequent seizure of his office computer systems of members of the FBI-NK on or around 9–13–2001.
July 8th 2002
“Synopsis: To report the collection of evidence from Israeli nations arrested at Mount Holly, NJ on 8–14–15–2001.
8–14–2001 at approximately 10:30pm, (redacted) and (redacted) were stopped and found to be in possession of a Ryder truck which was overdue and reported stolen. Both were taken into custody and geld in the Burlington County Jail.
On 8–15–2001, at approximately 4:55am two individuals appeared at the Burlington County Jail and paid for the bail of (redacted) and (redacted). These two individuals were also in possession of an overdue rental truck which was also reported stolen. These two individuals were later identified as (redacted) and (redacted). All were arrested and charged with possession of stolen property.
These individuals were identified as Israeli nationals operating a moving company called (redacted). The statements given to the arresting officers were inconsistent and did not make any sense. All four individuals provided home addresses in Florida. The arresting officers could not establish any legitimate reason why these individuals were in Mount Holly., NJ. This information along with two brief cases in their possession at the time for their arrest are being provided to the Newark case agent. The circumstances and pedigree of these individuals identified seem to mirror the profile of these individuals identified in the captioned matter. It should also be noted that the initial traffic stop was made at the intersection of Route 541 and Holly Lane which is approximately a half mile from the residence of (redacted) Mount Holly NJ.”
“There is no question whatsoever that Saddam Hussein is seeking, is working, is advancing towards to the development of nuclear weapons. Once Saddam has nuclear weapons, the terror network will have nuclear weapons.” (Prime Minister Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu before the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, September 12th 2002)
July 10th 2003
“Closing investigative memorandum relative to the FBI, Newark Division, Full Field investigation initiated September 14th 2001, surrounding circumstances indicating that five Israeli nationals identified as (long redaction) and (redacted) detained in conjunction with the PENTTBOM, Major case 182, investigation, had videotaped the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers and may have possessed foreknowledge of the same. (Note: Newark’s initial investigation of the five Israeli nationals were conducted under the authority of the PENTTBOM investigation. Captioned investigation was initiated after the criminal investigation indicated a possible/undefined intelligence affiliation with an Israeli Intelligence Service.)
Newark investigation found no factual or substantive circumstantial information to corroborate eyewitness accounts the five Israeli nationals “videotaped” the attacks on the Twin Towers of the WTC. Investigation did find that still photographs were taken of the attack by these individuals with a 35mm,, camera found in their possession.
Newark investigation found no factual or substantive circumstantial information to indicate the five Israeli nationals were on top of a parking garage “videotaping” prior to first hijacked aircraft striking tower #2 of the WTC. Numerous circumstantial facts strongly support the five individuals statements they traveled to the roof of the parking garage after learning of the attacks from radio broadcasts and internet sites. None of the pictures developed from the film found inside the 35mm camera depicts the twin towers prior to the attack.
Physical evidence found in the possession of the five Israeli nationals in conjunction with statements made by them during numerous interviews over several months indicates that (redacted) is (redacted). Specifically, (redacted) admitted to (redacted) being employed by the (long redaction) and further admitted attending a (long redaction) advised during an additional interview he was selected by the (redacted) to attend a (redacted) for employees working outside the country of Israel. He advised his (redacted) for the (redacted) was in (redacted), Statements by (redacted) associates corroborated this fact but also revealed that (redacted) may have also been stationed in other countries as well. Newark’s investigation found no factual evidence to suggest that (redacted) was operating in an overt or covert capacity inside the United States for the (redacted). Furthermore, Newark found no basis to even remotely suggest (redacted) was in the possession of prior knowledge relating to the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11/01.
However, Newark's investigation found nothing to suggest (redacted) acted in such a capacity while in the United States. Physical evidence as well as (redacted) statements to Special Agents of the FBI corroborated Newark's belief that (redacted) was working for the Israeli Government through his employment at the (redacted) offered no information that (redacted) or (redacted) or tasked to perform any overt or covert clandestine function in the United States. Newark found no basis to suggest (redacted) was in possession of or had any prior knowledge relating to the attacks of the WTC on 9/11/01.
(redacted) was at first the least cooperative of the five individuals, but later gave a full accounting of his travel and activities while in the United States. Information provided by (redacted) corroborated statements made by his associates, further strengthening the position there was no video camera used on the roof top of parking garage to make recordings just prior or during the attacks on the twin towers of the trade center.
A note pad belonging to (redacted) contained two sets of numbers. Investigation revealed the overseas telephone number (redacted) was coincidentally subscribed to by an individual in South America with authentic ties to Islamic militants in the Middle East (redacted). This number was later identified as a legitimate bank account belonging to a friend of (redacted) who lent him two hundreds dollars. The second telephone number once authenticated was according to FBI New York, associated with an (redacted) advised this phone number belonged to an individual named (redacted) a hashish dealer in New York metro area, Physical evidence as well as statements by (redacted) and the other four individual confirmed (redacted) recreational drug use of mostly marijuana. Newark believes (redacted) affiliation with individuals found (redacted) was for the purchase of small quantities of illegal drugs. Newark’s investigation ruled out a nexus between (redacted) and the individual in South America, along with circumstantial ties to the individuals connected to FBI New York’s (redacted). No articulate facts were found to demonstrate or or had any prior knowledge relating to the attacks on the World Trade Center of 9/11/01.
“According to T-1, one of the males appeared to be taking still photographs and video of the other males with the WTC in the background. All of the males appeared to be jovial in that they smiled, hugged one another, and gave “high fives”. As the vehicle later left that area, T-1 recorded the license plate as JRJ-13Y. Later that day when T-1’s spouse returned home, T-1 provided the police with the information pertaining to the males.
Another complaint received by FBI-NK revealed a second eyewitness who reported having observed a white van in the same parking lot as described by T-1. This eyewitness, however. observed the van in the parking lot as early as 8:00am on the morning of the explosions at WTC.
A third complaint later reported having seen, on September 11th 2001, a “big, white, model 2000 Chevrolet van, or possibly panel truck or U-Haul truck, bearing the words “Urban Movers” in black lettering along the side. The vehicle was observed in the Liberty State Park’s Marine Terminal in Jersey City, NJ, located across the Hudson River from WTC.
Pursuant to this information, East Rutherford, NJ police authorities stopped an Urban Moving Systems van at a pre-positioned roadblock. The van, occupied by males similar to those described by witnesses, was traveling eastbound along State Route 3 in New Jersey. Following the stop. the police detained five individuals, all believed to be Israeli nationals, on the grounds that they may have possessed information pertaining to the WTC explosions. The matter was later forwarded to FBI-NK for further investigation. The individuals were detained for questioning and later held for violations on their immigration status.
Seizure of the individuals property yielded the following: a 35mm camera, several personal telephone-style notebooks, back packs, airline tickets with immediate travel dates for destinations worldwide, Israeli passports, a German passport, and thousands of dollars of cash. Student identification cards later believed to be false were also found. Oddily, equipment typically used in a moving company’s daily duties was not found, including work gloves, blankets, straps, ropes, boxes, dollies, rollers, etc. Also not found was the video camera that T-1 observed at least one of the males using to film the explosion at WTC.
The five detained Israeli nationals (redacted) and (redacted) were interviewed subject to the limited cope of determining whether a video camera had been used, and, if so, where the video camera was to be located now. The results of the individual interviews yielded a wide array of discrepancies with respect to the whereabouts of each of the individual as it applied to time period of the attack on the WTC
(redacted) advised interviewing agents that after having arrived at his workplace, UMS, located at 3 18th Street, Weehawken, NJ, around 8:00am Sept 11th 2001 he received a telephone call informing him that the first explosion had occurred. (Note the first explosion occurred at 845am). (redacted) and his (redacted) got into a company van and departed the workplace for a Gulf gasoline service station. Then, (redacted) in the company of his friends, traveled to another location in order to take photographs of the WTC.
(redacted) also stated that he arrived at work (UMS) around 8:00am. Later, after (redacted) told (redacted) about the explosion at WTC, (redacted) looked on the internet and went to the roof of the building to observe the WTC and take photographs. Then, (redacted) and friends left the office and were caught in heavy traffic. Sometime between 10:00am and noon while attempting to return to their office. (redacted) and his friends stopped at a parking lot adjacent to an apartment building to take more photographs.
(redacted) stated tl one of the police officers after his arrest that the initial explosion occurred while he and the others were on the West Side Highway (Route 9A in NYC) traveling northbound toward the entrance of the Lincoln Tunnel. (redacted) later informed FBI-NK that he had arrived at work around 8:20am, and only learned of the crash into the WTC from a co-worker. (redacted) and (redacted) got into a company van (the one they had used to travel from their residences in (redacted) NY to Weehaken,NJ) and traveled to a nearby parking lot to observe the WTC and take photographs. (redacted) and (redacted) were at the parking lot for approximately 10 minutes, sometime between 8:30am and 9:00am but returned to UMDS before 9:00am.
Film obtained from the 35mm camera of one of the detainees was later developed and processed by FBI-NK. The photos depict (redacted) and (redacted) located at an observation point later determined to be the parking lot adjacent to the Doric Tower apartments located at 100 Manhattan ave in Union City, NJ. The three Israelis, sitting together on top of a white van, and visibly smiling on at least three of the photographs.
The photographs also revealed that all five Israelis later observed the WTC burning from a location on top of the roof of an UMS warehouse located adjacent to the UMS office location described herein.
At this point, more interviews were conducted to verify the accuracy of their statements, as well as obtain any additional information concerning the video cameras that was allegedly used by the Israelis. One such interviewee, T-3, claimed to have seen (redacted) in the Doric Towers on the afternoon prior to September 11th 2001. According to T-3, (redacted) rode the elevator with T-3 and another, unidentified, spanish speaking male whom T-3 observed exiting the elevator on floor 3. T-3 observed (redacted) exiting the elevator on floor 9. Oddily, (redacted) had identified himself, to the spanish speaking male, as a “construction worker: working in the building until 7:00pm that night. (Note: T-3 identified (redacted) from a photo lineup compromised only of the photographs of the five detained Israelis.)
T-1, the source of the original information pertaining to the Israeli males, was re-interviewed at a later date. T-1 confirmed for interviewing agents that it was a video recording device, rather than a still camera, that the Israelis had used in filming the WTC from atop the van. In fact, T-1 recalled quite clearly that the camera was a small, hand held unit, with a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen which folded out and could be used in panning.
In the early phases of the investigation, several other complaints surfaced concerning trucks and/or vans belonging to UMS that had been sighted in locations of significance with respect to the overall investigation of the hijacked flights on September 11th 2001. For instance, two complaints were received which indicated that UMS vehicles had been spotted in the greater Boston metropolitan area, one in Plymouth, MA and one in Nashua, NH. Additionally, an UMS truck traveling westbound had been stopped on September 10th 2001, near Montoursville, PA. At the time of the vehicle stop, the driver and passenger, (redacted-Moti Butbol) and (redacted-Roy Barak) were identified as Israeli nationals. Later, the same truck was stopped on September 12th 2001 while traveling eastbound toward New Jersey.
“On 9/17/01 (redacted-Butbul) was interviewed and given (long redaction). FBI Philadelphia noted that (redacted-Butbul) (long redaction). On 9–21–01 upon Newark’s seizure of documents obtained from the Penske truck in which (redacted) was driving, a second interview of (redacted) was conducted. (redacted) made statements to Philadelphia agents in conjunction with evidence taken from the Penske truck lead agents to believe he was rather truthful. Philadelphia concluded that he most likely was not directed (redacted) and did not have any prior knowledge of the attacks that occured on 9–11–01.
On 9–13–01, a polygraph examination of (redacted) was (redacted). A follow-up interview of (redacted) on 9–21–01 was conducted along with a second polygraph which indicated he showed (redacted). Again, the Philadelphia agents opined that (redacted-Barak) (long redaction) and did not have any prior knowledge of the terrorist attacks that occured on 9–11–01.
Based primarily on the inconsistencies found in the statements of the five detained Israelis, and the interviews conducted of T-1 and other tenets of the Doric Towers apartments, FBI-NK conducted polygraphs of (redacted) and (redacted) on the issue of (long redaction).
Based upon the aforementioned facts, FBI-NK then obtained a search warrant for a search of the offices of UMS in Weehawken NJ. The search, conducted on Sept 13th 2001, met with negative results concerning a video camera.
At this point in the PENTTBOM investigation, agents of FBI-NK’s foreign counterintelligence squad were consulted circumstances surrounding (redacted) and (redacted) denials and deception over the alleged usage of a video camera the Israelis, and the noticeably positive reaction demonstrated by the Israeli detainees to the explosion at WTC, the (redacted).
1. Did the Israeli nationals have foreknowledge of the events at WTC and were they filming the events prior to and in anticipation of the explosion (large redaction)
Based on information provided by the Miami Division, Newark initially detained and interviewed four employees of Classic International Movers, a New Jersey based moving company which was believed to have been utilized as a mover by one of the nineteen alleged hijackers involved in the terrorist attacks. All four detained employees, were identified recently entered the U,S from various locations in South America.
One of them, (redacted) born (redacted) was visibly disturbed by the agents questioning regarding his personal email account. (long redaction). Of note is that the telephone number for Classic International Movers also appeared in one of the aforementioned notebooks seized from the five Israelis already held in detention by FBI-NK.
FBI-NK then conducted polygraphs of (redacted) and (redacted) to determine whether either possessed prior knowledge of the attack on the WTC. Not surprisingly, (redacted) who was not even present when the initial photographs were taken from the apartment parking lot, (redacted) who was present in the parking lot, (redacted).
The (redacted) then attempted to determine, based upon witness interview statements, the statements made by the detainees themselves, and by other independent investigation, whether (redacted) and (redacted) could have been at the apartment parking lot vantage point prior to the first explosion at the WTC.
FBI-NK obtained witness statements and a gasoline receipt from the Gulf service station where the Israelis had purchased gasoline on September 11. Investigation determined that the Israelis purchased gasoline at approximately 2:14pm, which was subsequently corroborated by reviewing the photographs taken by the Israelis that day. One suich photograph depicts (redacted) using a squeegee to clean the windows of an UMS vehicle. Because the picture is chronologically one of the last taken that day, the gasoline had to have been purchased after the attack on the WTC.
A review of EZ pass records provided little by way of determining the exact location of the Israeli’s vehicle during the actual time of the attack. According to EZ pass, the UMS van was used by the Israelis to travel from Brooklyn (location from their residences) to Weehawken NJ on the morning of September 11th 2001 passed through Brooklyn entrance to the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel at 7:48am.
FBI-NK obtained the videotape of a local news helicopter crew which provided footage of the explosion beginning just minutes after the initial impact of the aircraft into the North Tower of the WTC. A comparison taken by the Israelis implied that the Israeli photographs were taken closer in time to the explosion of Tower #2 (south tower) then to the initial impact into Tower #1. This comparison, albeit non-scientific, corroborated the three Israelis claim that they departed UMS for the parking lot observation point after hearing of the initial explosion.
Liaison with the FAA resulted in FBI-NK obtaining a duplicate record of the metropolitan New York Air Traffic Control radar traffic records for the morning of September 11th 2001. By way of background, one of the earliest photographs taken by the Israelis from the parking lot observation point shows what is believed to be a local news helicopter hovering over the Hudson River between the parking lot and the WTC (this helicopter appeared in the foreground of the third photograph taken). The FAA’s radar traffic records identify a helicopter, belonging to a ,local radio station AM 880, slowly traveling in a southernly direction down the Hudson River and then hovering from 8:50am until 9:03am between Union City and the WTC on the morning of September 11. Although the results of this analysis verified that the Israelis were at the parking lot observation point between 8:50am and 9:03am, it did not provide a precise time.
According to T-1, it was the call from T-2, who is T-1’s neighbor and close friend, which initially prompted T-1 to look out of the window towards the WTC. It was at that time that T-1 had also observed the Israelis stop the white van. Since T-1 believed that T-2’s call came immediately after the first explosion at the WTC, FBI-NK attempted to obtain the toll records of T-2’s residential telephone with a view toward determining the exact time of T-2’s call. Unfortunately, electronic records of local calls such as that are not maintained by the local telephone service provider; thus, no electronic “time stamp” verifying T-1’s observation of the Israelis could be obtained.
An interview of T-5, (redacted) at UMS, revealed that upon “clocking in” at work at 8:58am on the morning of September 11 2001, T-5 had observed (redacted) (redacted) and (redacted) in the local dispatch area of the company. (redacted) was on the internet, (redacted) was also present. Unfortunately, a second interview of T-5 was not conducted with the intent of verifying T-5’s earlier statements. Instead, the interview produced only additional background on UMS.
(long redaction) had advised FBI-NK in a follow up interview that he had called (redacted) while traveling from the office location to the parking lot observation point (100 Manhattan Avenue , Doric Towers), to inform him of their having left the office. (redacted) authorized their departure and noted that he himself was on his way to the office and expected to arrive there within a minute. (redacted) may, thus, corroborate (redacted) statements with respect to the approximate time when they were at the parking lot.
On Wednesday, September 21, 2001, all five of the Israelis were re-interviewed by FBI-NK and FBI-NYO agents with (long redaction).
(Long redaction)
Two of the five Israelis were polygraphed with respect to prior knowledge of the attack on the WTC. Both (redacted) and (redacted) who had (long redaction). Four of the five Israelis excluding (redacted) were given (long redaction).
(redacted) advised that in past conversation with (redacted) had informed him of having been the (long redaction). During a follow up interrogation of (redacted) by (redacted) by the polygraph examiner, (redacted) broke down and stated that (redacted).
Follow up interviews by Special Agents from FBI New York of (redacted) and (redacted) revealed no new significant facts relative to the issues under investigation by Newark. Both (redacted) and (redacted) statements were inconsistent with those made in previous interviews.
In a letter dated 9–25–01, from Newark Special Agent on Charge to (redacted) U.S Immigration and Naturalization Service, 970 broad street, Newark NJ advised the FBI no longer had any investigative interests in the five detainees. Newark further advised in this letter to INS to proceed with the appropriate immigration proceedings.
On or about 11–20–2001, all five of the Israelis nationals held in detention under authority of the U.S Immigration and Naturalization service were served a deportation order, then discharged from the INS detention facility in Brooklyn NY and escorted by ISN personnel to JFK international for a flight to Tel Aviv, Israel.
On 7–10–2003 Newark investigation completed and closed.”
The 5 Israelis were released under constant pressure from two unnamed U.S. Congressional leaders, and Dov Zakheim, Secretary of State Richard Armitage along with Harvard chair and lawyer Alan Dershowitz, who was acting as a mediator between the FBI and Israeli interests.
Just as they did coming to the United States, the Israeli spy ring involving front moving companies, arose out from the shadows. The Israelis who were detained for 71 days…
Sivan Kurzberg
Paul Kurzberg
Oded Ellner
Omer Mameri
Yaron Shimuel
Roy Barak
Moti Butbul
In which they returned back into the shadows from which they came, seemingly forgotten as time passed forward. Or have they? While returning to Israel, some of the Israelis managed to conduct an interview with an Israeli talk show.
John Miller: (VO) Ellner also complained that they had been mistreated and subjected to repeated interrogations.
Oded Ellner: (Through translator, from Israeli talk show) And at that point, we were taken for another round of questioning, this time related to our allegedly being members of Mossad.
John Miller: (VO) Although Paul and Sivan would not talk with us about the incident, Sivan and two of the other detainees did go on an Israeli talk show after their return. Oded Ellner denied they were laughing or happy that day.
Oded Ellner: (Through translator, from Israeli talk show) Nothing of the kind, the fact of the matter is, we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event.
Let’s keep it moving.