Adam Fitzgerald
The Darkened Hour
An Interview With Robbie Martin (Media Roots Radio)

An Interview With Robbie Martin (Media Roots Radio)

Robbie Martin is a journalist and filmmaker. He writes for the magazine White Fungus and Oakland-based news website Media Roots founded by his sister Abby Martin whom he also co-hosts a regular podcast with. He is the behind the documentaries American Bisque, American Anthrax and A Very Heavy Agenda. Robbie has made appearances on Buzzsaw TV, KPFA’s ‘Project Censored’, Russia Today, The Corbett Report, Brasscheck TV, Ring of Fire TV, Behind The Headline on FreeSpeech TV, Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Radio and has been interviewed by La Figaro, the BBC, Neural Magazine and the San Francisco Chronicle. In today's episode, Robbie speaks in depth about the 2001 Anthrax Attacks, the political influences of the Robert Kagan Family, the Neoconservative movement under the Bush administration and the Israeli Art Student ring which spied on US Authorities and Intelligence, specifically in Florida, where incidentally the members of the Hamburg Cell who were involved with the hijackings of September 11th 2001, had also lived. Media Roots Radio: A Very Heavy Agenda:

Adam Fitzgerald
The Darkened Hour
The Darkened Hour will host interviews with the leading experts in their fields relating to the September 11th 2001 attacks. Content will also expand to fields relating to said event with invigorating, rational discussions weekly. We will also cover Middle East History, the history of the Intelligence Community (foreign & domestic), U.S-Israel-Saudi geo-politics, and the psychological characteristics of those involved with terrorism and the political sphere,.
The Road To 9/11 with Richard Cox, Series Playlist:
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