Adam Fitzgerald
The Darkened Hour
An Interview With Ben Howard (The Intelligence Community Involvement In Malfeasance And Coverup Pre-9/11)

An Interview With Ben Howard (The Intelligence Community Involvement In Malfeasance And Coverup Pre-9/11)

Ben Howard is an independent researcher. He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and daughter. You can follow Ben on Twitter: @housetrotter. Howard has been an ardent, often anonymous, 9/11 and geopolitical writer and student. Just last year he would so-author a 3 part series entitled "The Twenty Year Shadow of 9/11" along with Aaron Good and Peter Dale Scott. In this episode, Ben and i discuss the NSA monitor of Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, the Yemen Hub, CIA operations involving surveillance of the Yemen Hub, the high level terrorist summit in Malaysia, the intentional withholding of pertinent information from the FBI concerning al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi entry into the United States while possessing US Visas, the CIA "phishing" the FBI in 2001 concerning al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi, Richard Blee and Tom Wilshire's roles in the coverup and hoarding of information. This is part 1 of a series concerning the domestic and foreign intelligence involvement with Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, along with the greater geopolitical goals involved.

The Twenty Year Shadow of 9/11:

American Exception: Empire and the Deep State:

Discussion about this podcast

Adam Fitzgerald
The Darkened Hour
The Darkened Hour will host interviews with the leading experts in their fields relating to the September 11th 2001 attacks. Content will also expand to fields relating to said event with invigorating, rational discussions weekly. We will also cover Middle East History, the history of the Intelligence Community (foreign & domestic), U.S-Israel-Saudi geo-politics, and the psychological characteristics of those involved with terrorism and the political sphere,.
The Road To 9/11 with Richard Cox, Series Playlist:
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