Adam Fitzgerald
The Darkened Hour
An Interview With Ben & Erik (The Podcast For The New American Century)

An Interview With Ben & Erik (The Podcast For The New American Century)

Ben and Erik, created a 9/11 geopolitically themed podcast where the public can learn about the obscure anomalies that are found in the "pre-intelligence" operations of September 11th 2001. Along with discussions surrounding US foreign policy, national security, Israel-Saudi policy issues, and foreign intelligence, Ben and Erik tend to bring a "lighter" attitude in these very tenebrous subjects. Relatively new, the PNAC duo are quite learned in their geopolitical discussions which give their listeners a full education on the many various subjects entwined with the terrorist events of September 11th 2001. In today's episode, we speak about Ben and Erik's journey into this expansive subject of 9/11, what their motivations are for the future, the intelligence history of Al Qaeda, Bojinka Plot, the 1998 East Africa bombings, the Yemen Hub, the history of Alec Station, and the Israeli-Saudi foreign intelligence operations which were involved with monitoring the 9/11 hijackers and Al Qaeda affiliates.

The Podcast For The New American Century:

Discussion about this podcast

Adam Fitzgerald
The Darkened Hour
The Darkened Hour will host interviews with the leading experts in their fields relating to the September 11th 2001 attacks. Content will also expand to fields relating to said event with invigorating, rational discussions weekly. We will also cover Middle East History, the history of the Intelligence Community (foreign & domestic), U.S-Israel-Saudi geo-politics, and the psychological characteristics of those involved with terrorism and the political sphere,.
The Road To 9/11 with Richard Cox, Series Playlist:
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